Android Distribution: Marshmallow 0.7% & Lollipop Reaches 32%

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At the start of each month, the Android team release figures detailing the Android operating system landscape. These are the Android Distribution figures and typically provide a good level of insight to how the operating system is currently distributed across devices. Last month saw Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) creeping up to the 0.5-percent distribution marker, while Android 5.0 (Lollipop) edged closer towards the 30-percent marker. With the start of January now here and right on cue, the Android team has today released the most up to date figures for the current Android Distribution. For clarification, this information represents data collected over a seven-day period leading up to and ending on January 4th.

In terms of the latest figures, the latest version of Android, Marshmallow, has seen an increase since last month, albeit a rather incremental one with the latest distribution coming in at 0.7-percent. This is up from last month’s 0.5-percent marker. Likewise, Android 5.0 (Lollipop) also continues its upwards momentum with its latest figure coming in at 32.6-percent. Which in some respects is far more monumental than Marshmallow’s movement, as it sees Lollipop for the first time passing the 30-percent marker. In contrast, last month’s figure for Lollipop came in just under at 29.5-percent. For those interested, this breaks down into 16.9-percent for Android 5.0 and 15.7-percent for Android 5.1. Moving further back and Android 4.4 (KitKat) now holds a 36.1-percent overall distribution. Continuing the trend over the past few months, this does mark a sustained drop for KitKat, albeit a small one, since last month KitKat achieved a 36.6-percent total distribution. Moving on to Android 4.1.x-4.3 (Jelly Bean) and its latest figures show Jelly Bean’s total now coming in at 24.7-percent, which is also a drop compared to last month’s 26.9-percent total. This further breaks down as 9-percent for 4.1.x, 12.2-percent for 4.2.x and 3.5-percent for 4.3.

Continuing backwards and Android 4.0.3-4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich) now holds a 2.7-percent level of distribution, slightly down from last month’s 2.9-percent level. Gingerbread comes in at 3.0-percent, again down from last month’s 3.4-percent and as to be expected, Froyo remains static at the 0.2-percent level, as it has for some time now.

Android Distribution JAN
