Yahoo's Online Video Platform Yahoo Screen Has Shutdown

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Video streaming is the latest gig that every tech company has tried to pursue. The only reigning champs are Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon who have become some real heavyweights in the video ring. Yahoo was one of the many companies that launched a streaming service dubbed “Yahoo Screen.” Sadly Yahoo had to shut down their online video service that was home to their original programming and big TV shows from major networks. Now with Yahoo Screen out of the picture where will the remaining content go? Yahoo has plans of placing the rest of their video service within the digital magazine of theirs which of course still gets tons of traffic daily.

According to Yahoo, moving the rest of the their video efforts to their website is a great idea because now they can be surrounded by Yahoo Tech and Yahoo Sports. This gives users the opportunity to discover new content all in one place. Although this all might sound good, this shows signs of trouble happening in the Yahoo Camp. The trouble is stemming from Marissa Mayer who had tried to turn the company around. Her efforts has caused investors to be unhappy with what she is trying to do to get Yahoo pumping again. A $42 million write down last year for a sixth season of Community and an overseas NFL football game seem to have made little impact to the tech giant.

Shutting down Yahoo Screen shows a major sign of bad news from Yahoo. Once known as a distinguished online media brand, Yahoo has a dwindling future. The fact that the company is considering selling its core internet business might suggest that Marissa Mayer’s turnaround efforts aren’t what they’re cracked up to be. High-level Yahoo executives have left the company due to the troubling effects. The board at Yahoo are giving Marissa Mayer several years to try and clean up Yahoo. If services continue to shut down and the idea of selling their core internet business become a reality, Yahoo will become nothing more than just a holding company of Alibaba shares.
