Google Play Billing For Netflix Subscriptions Coming Soon

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If you are an online video steamer, then there is a significantly good chance that you already use Netflix as your preferred online video content provider. In fact, it seems no matter where you are, Netflix is there or planning on being there soon enough. Back in January, the company announced they were expanding the service to another 130 countries and that was also while confirming that their current subscriber base already stands at around 75 million. That is quite the number of subscribers who pay monthly to make use of the service.

Well, if you are one of those who have yet to sign up to the service and are thinking about it, but don’t want to have to deal with another sign up and another payment service that you have to individually pay for, then it looks like a new update to the Netflix app might hold just the solution – Google Play billing.

An update rolling out to the Netflix app comes with a very limited changelog. However, one of those noted changes reads “Subscribe for Netflix via Google Play Billing (new permission required).” Needless to say, the Netflix app is about to let those interested, pay for their Netflix subscription through Google Play billing. Much in the same way as you might already pay for your Play Music All Access subscription or anything else you order through Google Play. While this might not seem like a massive change, it is one which will likely help those who are more interested in paying through Google Play a streamlined way to pay for the service. Which in the grand scale of things does mean one less additional site that you have to load your credit card details on to. That is, providing you have already loaded your card details to Google Play billing in the first place. In terms of when the new payment method is going to be active, that is a little less clear. Along with the noted details, the changelog does specifically state that this particular feature is “coming soon”. As the update includes the feature, it seems reasonable to assume the feature is ready to go and will just Netflix to ‘flick the switch’ to start proceedings. Either way, you will have to be running the latest updated version before you can make use of the feature when it does eventually go live.
