Android 10 Dark Theme Switch Headed To Google Play Store

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The dark theme switch Google has given to Android 10 is headed to the Google Play Store.

Android 10 dark theme switch headed to Google Play Store

The new Google Play dark theme switch is a feature that hasn’t existed in Android 10 until now. If one looks at current Google Play settings, most Android users cannot change the dark theme. It is automatically enabled as long as the systemwide dark theme is enabled.

The new dark theme for Google Play can be found in Google Play settings when one selects “Theme.” Three options will appear: Light, Dark, and System Default. Users can select which theme works for them and then change the theme at different times. As their mood changes, so can their Google Play layout. The new Dark Theme switch in Google Play settings can be seen below.

Dark Theme gives customization, switches it up

Whenever a new feature rolls out in Android, as with new Samsung features, users first ask the question, “Is it necessary?” or “Why do we need it?” The question now applies to the dark theme switch. Since Android 10 already brings dark theme or dark mode, why the need for a dark theme switch? The answer is found in Android’s love of customization.

Android users love the ability to “switch things up” every now and then. Android users get the “itch” to shake up the layout, and they immediately want to upload a new wallpaper or change a setting. Some users prefer Dark Theme for one thing but not another. Some may prefer Dark Theme for Android overall but a white layout for Google Play. Others prefer a Dark Theme for the Play Store but don’t mind the white coloring of Android overall.

Android users love the ability to choose. Google adding a switch to do just that in the Play Store is only an extension of Android philosophy.

Dark theme enhances battery life, reduces battery consumption

It’s a point that bears repeating, but Dark Theme or Dark Mode enhances battery life. Dark Mode allows users to cut down the amount of white color on the screen. White color drains battery life because the pixels of the screen shine to make the white bright. With Dark Theme or Dark Mode, pixels turn off. When pixels turn off, battery life is saved.

Dark Theme is part of Google’s battery-saving methods. The search engine giant has added Doze and Deeper Doze modes to Android in order to conserve battery, but they don’t come close to the potential of Dark Theme/Mode.

The new Dark Theme switch will roll out to Android users at some point, though for now, it is probably just a server-side test.

dark theme google play
