Sony Xperia XZ1 Users Demand Android 10 Update Via Petition

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The Sony Xperia XZ1 series of devices was launched back in September 2017. Sony introduced two phones as part of that series, the Xperia XZ1 and XZ1 Compact. Neither of those devices are set to get Android 10, and Xperia XZ1 users launched a petition to change that.

The Xperia XZ1 and XZ1 Compact were launched with Android 8.0 Oreo. Sony did release an Android 9 Pie update for the two phones, but Android 10 is not coming.

Sony users opted to petition for the Xperia XZ1 Android 10 update

That made a lot of users angry, it seems. This Xperia XZ1 petition has been opened on change.org, as the vast majority of other petitions nowadays. The petition is aiming to collect 5,000 signatures, and it currently has 2,591 (at the time of writing this article).

There is still a chance that this petition will reach its goal, but the chances are not that big. Why? Well, the petition was started six months ago, and in six months, it barely made it halfway.

Sony announced a list of devices that will get Android 10 at the end of last year, which is when this petition was started. Sony had a tendency to release two major flagship lineups per year, and that may be the reason why the Xperia XZ1 devices will not get the update.

The company has quite a few devices to update to Android 10. Even if you look at flagship-grade phones only, which Sony focuses on, the Xperia XZ1 lineup is nowhere near the top any longer.

On one hand, Sony’s decision is understandable, on the other, well… it’s not. In terms of hardware, nothing is stopping Sony from updating these devices. Both devices are fueled by the Snapdragon 835, and have rather powerful specs across the board.

Android 10 can, of course, run on much, much weaker specification setups. So, that is definitely not the reason. The fact that Sony released many more flagship phones after these two devices is probably the main reason.

The reaction of users is completely understandable

The reaction of users is understandable, though. They’ve received only one major update since the two phones launched. It’s completely normal to expect at least two major updates.

Many Android smartphone manufacturers have similar issues. Their support for their devices is not great, well, when it comes to most of them, at least.

OnePlus, for example, is currently working on updating its OnePlus 5 and 5T smartphones to Android 10. Both devices have already received several beta updates, and will get a stable build soon.

Those two devices were also introduced back in 2017, and are also fueled by the Snapdragon 835. OnePlus has a tendency of releasing two flagship lineups per year as well, so is a good comparison for Sony, actually. Sony doesn’t do that any longer, though, so that’s worth noting. In any case, we doubt this petition will change anything, but if you do own the Xperia XZ1, and want the update, feel free to go and sign the petition.
