Google Lets You Unenroll From The Android 13 Beta Without A Wipe

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Google is giving users of the Android 13 beta a chance to unenroll without having to wipe their phones following their update to the Android 13 stable release. Although you only have a limited amount of time to do so. Which means users enrolled in the Android 13 beta should unenroll at their earliest convenience. The stable release of Android 13 was just launched today for Pixel devices.

Giving users with a compatible Pixel smartphone the ability to move forward to the most recent version of Android. The stable release is being pushed out to users via over-the-air updates starting today. So you may not have the update just yet, but it should be working its way through the pipeline. Updates of this magnitude often take at least a few days to reach all eligible users. So don’t be surprised if you don’t see it available for download immediately.

If however, you have received the OTA notification, you can update and leave the beta right afterwards.

You only have a few weeks to unenroll from the Android 13 beta

Technically, you can unenroll from the beta whenever you want. But if you want to do so without wiping your device, you don’t have long. Google says you will need to first install the Android 13 stable release. Following the installation, it recommends immediately opting out of the beta program. That’s because to avoid the wipe, this has to be done before the first Android 13 QPR beta update. Which arrives in September.

Since it’s the middle of August, that gives you maybe a few weeks before that update arrives. Or even less time if the update isn’t available for you to download for a few days. At best, you’ll have around a month and a half if the first Android 13 QPR beta update isn’t pushed until late September.

If you don’t unenroll before the first QPR beta update, you’ll end up getting the update once it’s released. Google does note though, that should you not unenroll before the first QPR beta, you’ll have another chance before the second beta drops in December. Also worth noting is that if you opt out before installing the stable release, you’ll be sent an OTA update that include a wipe.

Android 13 Beta Unenroll
