Android Runtime is now 30% faster thanks to the latest update

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The latest update Google realseed for Android Runtime (ART) can significantly increase the app launch speed on the operating system. ART also received the ability to update itself through the Google Play system independently.

A faster app launch significantly impacts user experience, and it has been a competitive edge for Apple since the first iOS version was released. When it comes to Android, users sometimes complain about apps that launch slowly. To address this, Google has updated Android Runtime.

As a side note, Android Runtime is responsible for running applications on your Android device. Since Android 12, ART has received its updates via the Google Play system. With ART 14, it can get independent updates without any further intervention.

“Google Play system updates enhance the Android Runtime (ART), which is the engine of the Android OS. These updates boost performance, provide the latest security patches, and standardize core OpenJDK APIs across numerous devices, including all Android 12+ and soon Android Go devices.” Serban Constantinescu, Product Manager at Google, said in his blog post.

Google updates Android Runtime, resulting in a 30% faster app launch

A more efficient ART leads to a faster app launch, resulting in a better user experience. Google claims the Android Runtime now brings a 30% faster app launch. This could be a very crucial addition to Android. Improved memory usage, more efficient bytecode compilation, and security fixes are some more benefits that ART 14 update brings to your device.

Constantinescu added that the testing princess of the upcoming Android Runtime version involves “18 million APKs and running app compatibility tests, and startup, performance, and memory benchmarks on a variety of Android devices that replicate the diversity of our ecosystem as closely as possible.”

ART 14 will be released to all compatible devices in the coming months. The package includes OpenJDK 17 support, a new compiler, and runtime optimizations for better performance with reduced code size.
