Local time & weather are coming to Google Contacts app

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Have you ever tried calling someone and wondered what the time and weather condition is where they are? If yes, then the Google Contacts app is getting an impressive update to bring these details to your doorstep. Some users of the app are already reporting that they are getting access to this new feature on their apps.

This new feature to informs you of the time and weather conditions in your contact’s region before calling them sits behind a new button. If you do not have this feature, and you open a contact card on the app, you’d be greeted with three round control buttons. One of these buttons is for calls, the second is for text, and the last is for video calling.

However, if you have the update, you’d get a fourth button for directions. This button will only be available for contacts that have their address saved as part of their contact card. Tapping on the direction button will pull up the contact’s address and some more details.

Telling the weather conditions in other areas just got easier with a Google Contacts app update

With the addition of the new ‘Directions’ button, you can now tell the time and weather conditions in your contact’s region. Asides from the tab that gives information on the contact’s home address, the new feature also gives away more information. In a different tab, this new feature tells the time and the weather condition in the region where the contact lives.

In typical Google style, the Contacts app tells the weather with a nice Material You icon. It also gives that same information out via text and it gets the information from a popular weather service. The time gets displayed in the text just above the weather information, which is also in the text.

With these small details, when next you call your friend (who lives in another region) you can start the conversation by talking about the weather. Their reactions can be one of two, one reaction might be cool if they already know about this feature. If they knew nothing about this feature, they might be startled as to how you knew the exact weather in their region.

This is not only informative but also a cool feature to have on the Google Contacts app. To get access to this, you will need to update your Google Contacts app via the Play Store. The update is still rolling out, so don’t panic if you can’t find an update to your app yet.
