GFiber: Google Fiber is building its brand around the new logo

Featured image for GFiber: Google Fiber is building its brand around the new logo

Google‘s venture into high-speed internet service, Google Fiber, is starting to use its new logo as a part of its branding strategy change.

In 2021, Google Fiber introduced a new logo, departing from its previous decade-long wordmark. More recently, the service has increasingly embraced the abbreviation “GFiber.” This change signals the possibility of the internet service provider moving towards greater independence from the Google brand. 

Over the past few months, the domain fiber.google.com has prominently featured “GFiber” in the top-left corner, reports 9to5Google. This abbreviation appears in various sections of the webpage, notably on the map showcasing the cities where Google Fiber is available. The message is clear. “GFiber is bringing fast, reliable internet to more and more new cities this year. And for the cities we’re already in, we’re adding tens of thousands of new addresses.”

Additionally, this rebranding extends to the physical world, with installation vehicles now sporting the “GFiber” name.

What Is “GFiber”?

Google Fiber introduces its new logo “GFiber” to homes and businesses across the United States. While “Google Fiber” is still in use, it seems that the two names are increasingly interchangeable. This development highlights the distinction between Google Fiber’s core internet service and the broader brand identity represented by “GFiber.”

Google Fiber’s internet service offerings range from 1 Gig for $70 per month to 8 Gig for $150 in select markets. This shift to “GFiber” reflects a key step in Google Fiber’s evolution and may indicate a strategic move toward differentiation from its parent company, Google.

GFiber Labs and the Road Ahead

Notably, “GFiber Labs” is part of this rebranding effort. It has unveiled ambitious plans to test a 20 Gig residential service by year’s end.

The Twitter account now goes by “GFiber,” although the handle remains @googlefiber. Similarly, on YouTube, you can find the channel @gfiber. The transition from “Webpass.net” to “GFiber.com” represents another instance of this rebranding. Google Fiber is taking steps towards independence while retaining the trust and recognition that the Google brand offers.

GFiber plans
