Apple Watch saved two lives, and the families wrote to Tim Cook

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Apple products have a name for saving people’s lives. Just recently, an iPhone X guarded and saved the life of an Israeli soldier. And there are multiple reports available of how Apple Watch has saved lives by reporting on time. It’s time we collect one more story about Apple Watch having saved two men — who needed heart surgery — to survive. These two individuals shared their stories when writing a letter to Tim Cook. And the best part is Apple CEO’s heartfelt response to these messages.

How Apple Watch saved two lives

There are two cases. The first one comes from Wichita, Kansas, as reported by KAKE. Nick Gallegos gave his dad, Michael, this watch as a thoughtful gift. One day, the watch signaled an alarming drop in Michael’s heart rate. It was prompting an immediate alert to Nick due to their Family Sharing feature. He acted swiftly on this warning and took his father to the emergency room. There, doctors diagnosed Michael with a critical heart condition that urgently required a pacemaker. Thankfully, the timely intervention of the Apple Watch likely saved Michael’s life. After the successful surgery, Michael expressed immense gratitude, feeling as if he’d been given a second chance at life.


Similarly, in Asheville, North Carolina, another Apple Watch played a pivotal role in a medical emergency. KAKE (via PhoneArena) reported the story of Christopher Oakley, a 61-year-old who ended up in the ER due to chest pain, nausea, and breathlessness. His symptoms had somewhat eased by the time he arrived, and the medical team initially found no immediate issues. Just as they were considering his discharge, Christopher remembered his Apple Watch had been tracking his heart rate, shedding light on a potentially dangerous situation. Such incidents live rent-free in your mind and soul, and those who’ve experienced them know better than most of us.

Tim Cook’s response to the kind emails

Michael’s son Nick reached out to thank Tim Cook for saving his dad’s life. Michael recounted that he was “pretty lucky” and “a good choice for my son for getting me the watch.” Tim Cook, in response, said, “I’m so glad your father sought medical attention and received the treatment he needed. Thanks so much for sharing his story with us. Please give him my best.”

Christopher, also, reached out to Tim Cook via email to convey his heartfelt gratitude. He candidly noted (via 9to5Mac), “I just really appreciate all the work you and your folks have put into this in order to create a product that not only tells you the time but also saves your life.”

Tim Cook replied to Christopher’s email, expressing his relief that Christopher had received the necessary medical attention and wishing him good health. “Thanks for sharing your story with us. I’m so glad you received the treatment you needed. Be well,” wrote Cook. “Sent from my iPhone,” the email concluded.
