Microsoft is testing an AI chatbot for Xbox customer support

Featured image for Microsoft is testing an AI chatbot for Xbox customer support

Reportedly, Microsoft is testing an AI chatbot for its Xbox which will provide customer support to users. The Xbox Virtual Support Agent (chatbot) automates support tasks and responds to questions from players using AI.

Microsoft’s new AI chatbot might soon take over Xbox customer support responsibilities

Sources indicate that the chatbot connects to the Xbox network and ecosystem support documents, thus providing a range of answers to various user support queries. While currently in the test phase, it might expand to cover Xbox customers worldwide is a few months.

Haiyan Zhang who is responsible for gaming AI at Xbox confirmed the existence of the Xbox Support Virtual Agent describing it as an internal prototype that can deal with support topics using natural language mined from existing Xbox Support pages. She highlighted that it will make it easier and faster for gamers to get help whenever they need it.

In any case, details regarding the rollout timeline for this chatbot remain undisclosed but a credible source reveals that it’s currently in the testing phase against support queries about Minecraft Realms. Therefore there are high chances that this chatbot may soon go live after successful tests.

Also apart from responding to user questions and inquiries, this bot could assist them in getting refunds after game purchases on Microsoft’s website which further amplifies its duties as a customer service agent.

The company also has some other plans for its AI customer support chatbot

Besides having an AI chatbot, Microsoft also has plans to incorporate AI into other aspects of its Xbox platform such as developing AI-powered Copilots for moderation tasks which include content moderation and enforcement processes.

On the other hand, while most of Microsoft’s AI initiatives have primarily been directed towards developers within Xbox, a wider integration of AI tech into consumer-facing areas also seems imminent. Collaborations with InworldAI (an NPC creator endowed with Artificial Intelligence) and the probable introduction of upscaling solutions through Artificial Intelligence techniques in images, clearly indicating how determined Microsoft is to improve gaming experience via advanced AI applications.

Microsoft is still improving on their artificial intelligence-based projects used on their X-box systems hence they intend to have more efficient models for gaming, which will take time.
