The senate brought a $32 billion AI regulation roadmap

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Currently, the US government is still trying to figure out the best ways to regulate AI technology. So far, there aren’t any solid laws, but different people and organizations are proposing bills that could help police companies and how they use AI. The US Senate just proposed a $32 billion AI regulation roadmap, and it was met with both positive and negative responses.

There’s no doubt that AI technology has become extremely powerful. Recently, Google hosted its Google I/O AI keynote where it talked about a ton of different innovations coming to its Gemini platform. The company showed off features like Project Astra. This is basically an AI-powered viewfinder for the Gemini app. It allows Gemini to see things in the real world and answer questions based on what it sees. It’s Google’s answer to the vision feature introduced with GPT-4o.

The US Senate proposed a 32-billion-dollar AI regulation roadmap

This road map was proposed by four Senators on Wednesday. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Mike Rounds (R-SD), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), and Todd Young (R-IN). Right now, the road map is a little bare bones, as it’s not meant to address every aspect of AI. Also, it’s not meant to bring forth any laws surrounding the technology.

The four senators held AI Insight forums over the past couple of months. These forums included other individuals like Amba Kak (co-executive director of AI Now), Rashad Robinson (president of civil rights group Color of Change), and Divyansh Kaushik (vice president at national security advisory firm Beacon Global Strategies). The forums also included notable AI figures, Sundar Pichai and Sam Altman.

The road map points to certain areas where the Senate should concentrate on AI. These areas are for non-defensive AI, which is a whole different can of worms. However, the roadmap calls for at least $32 billion to be spent on AI each year, as noted by The Verge.

A few of the main areas mentioned are child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and election content. These are two major areas where AI technology can, unfortunately, have a major effect. While this 20-page roadmap does hit on some important details, it’s still only a minor step away from the government’s dream of having fully regulated AI.
