Threads' Recent tab is here, it makes finding latest content easier

Featured image for Threads' Recent tab is here, it makes finding latest content easier

We recently reported that Threads was testing chronological search results. Now, the testing period of this feature is over, and Threads has added a Recent tab in the search field that shows posts in chronological order.

Threads has added two separate buttons in the search field

Previously, when you searched for something on Threads, it would show you the most popular search results first. For instance, if you searched for “Cricket,” then Threads would have shown you a popular post that is relevant to cricket before showing you the latest post posted on Threads about cricket.

Initially, the company had no plans for introducing chronological search results on Threads. In fact, when this feature was spotted by some users in January, the company quickly rolled it back, stating that it was made available by mistake and that they have no intention of adding it due to potential “safety loopholes.”

But after a lot of feedback, Meta has finally added a Recent tab in Threads that shows the most recently created posts relevant to your search. Now, when you search for something on Threads, you’ll see two tabs — Recent and Top.

Thread Recent tab.

The Top tab will still show the most popular search results based on Threads’ previous algorithm, which prioritizes popular posts first. The Recent tab shows the recently created posts that are relevant to your search. The introduction of this feature will make it easier for you to stay updated on your search results.

Threads still hides a big number of posts in the search results

The “Recent” tab feature might seem similar to the “Latest” tab feature on X, which has been available on the platform for quite some time. However, there’s a key difference between these two features. Unlike X’s Latest tab, which shows all posts relevant to your search query, Threads’ Recent tab filters out all posts that don’t meet the quality standard of the platform.

The feature has begun rolling out for both Android and iOS. Therefore, make sure you have the latest version of the app installed to gain access to this feature.
