Privacy Notice Supplement (“Supplement”)

The information provided below supplements the primary privacy notice from which it is linked.  The primary privacy notice details the categories and/or specific pieces of personal information we collect, how we use it, with whom we share it and how long we keep it.  To the extent the information in this Supplement contradicts information in the primary privacy notice, this Supplement takes precedence. 

Sensitive Information

We do not collect, use, or disclose sensitive personal information as defined by applicable consumer privacy law other than as permitted by law or with your consent (where required).

No Profiling

We do not use personal information to evaluate, analyze or predict personal aspects related to an individual’s economic situation, health, preferences, interests, reliability, behavior, location or movements, or performance at work, which is also known as profiling, in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects solely through an automated process that do not require final review and decision by a human.

No Sale and NoTargeted Advertising

We do not sell or disclose personal information for money or other valuable consideration, and we do not use your personal information to track your activity across third party websites for targeted advertising purposes, as such term or a similar term is defined by applicable privacy law.   

Collection of Personal Information from Children

We do not knowingly collect personal information directly from, or knowingly market products or services to, any person under the age of 18.

Your Privacy Rights

Under certain state laws, you may have the following rights:

Right to Know: the right to request we disclose to you the following:

  1. Whether we are processing personal information about you.
  2. The categories of personal information we collected about you.
  3. The categories of sources from which we collected the personal information.
  4. The business or commercial purpose for collecting, sharing, and using personal information about you.
  5. The categories of third parties to whom we disclosed personal information about you.
  6. The specific pieces of personal information we collected about you.

Right to Correct: the right to request that we correct inaccurate personal information that we maintain about you.

Right to Delete: the right to request that we delete personal information we, or an entity acting on our behalf, collected about you.

We will not discriminate against any consumer who exercises any of their privacy rights found under this Notice by denying a good or service, charging a different price or providing a different level of quality or service.However, we may charge a consumer a different price or rate or provide a different level or quality of goods or services to the consumer, if that difference is reasonably related to the value provided to the business by the consumer’s data.

How to Exercise Your Privacy Rights

You may exercise your privacy request rights by:

Calling: 1-800-280-9577

Completing the online form available at:

You must provide sufficient information that allows us to reasonably verify you are the person who is the subject of the rights request, or such person’s authorized representative. We use a service provider to assist with identity verification and, as required or permitted by law, we may take steps to verify your identity prior to granting you access to information or acting on your request to exercise your rights. We may limit our response to your exercise of your rights as permitted under applicable law.

You may designate an authorized agent to request any of the above rights on your behalf.  You may make such a designation by providing the agent with written permission, signed by you, to act on your behalf.  If an agent makes a request on your behalf, as permitted by law, we may require verification of the agent’s authorization to act on your behalf, require you to confirm you have authorized the agent to act on your behalf, or require you to verify your own identity.  This may include, but is not limited to, a notarized financial/general power of attorney, court order, or official proof of guardianship.

Upon receiving your request, we will confirm receipt within ten (10) business days and respond to a verifiable consumer request within the timeframe and in the format required by relevant law.  If we are unable to honor your request, we will provide you with a written explanation of the reason(s).  You have the right to contact us in writing if you wish to appeal our decision and we will provide you with a written response.

Request Metrics

Assurant’s record-keeping details as required under applicable privacy law are available here:
