BBC Charity Appeals

A chance to reach BBC audiences with the story of your charity

The BBC helped raise over £92 million for charities in 2022/23

Our Appeals

  • Radio 4 Appeal

    Learn more about the weekly Radio 4 Appeal
  • Lifeline

    Learn more about the monthly BBC One Lifeline Appeal
  • Local Radio

    Learn more about Local Radio charity partnerships
  • Nations

    Learn more about how the BBC works with charities in Wales and Northern Ireland.
  • BBC Children in Need

    Visit the BBC Children in Need website to donate and find out more about the causes they support
  • Comic Relief and Sport Relief

    The BBC is the proud broadcast partner of Comic Relief and Sport Relief, click here to visit their website
  • Disasters Emergency Committee

    The BBC broadcast appeals on behalf of the Disasters Emergency Committee on TV and Radio, composed of UK charities involved in overseas relief work, when a humanitarian crisis occurs
  • BBC Radio 4 Christmas Appeal with St Martin-in-the-Fields

    Radio 4's annual Christmas Appeal helps homeless and vulnerably housed people through The Connection at St Martin-in-the-Fields and people across the UK through the Vicar’s Relief Fund (VRF) and the Frontline Network.

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