Climate Assessment Tool

The Climate Assessment Tool (CAT) provides guidance on the likely suitability of taxa to the predicted future climate scenarios of a selected location. It achieves this by taking datasets of current known occurrences of taxa – such as those observed in the wild, in botanic gardens, and in general cultivation – and compares the current climate of these known occurrences to the predicted climate. By comparing the two climates a suitability score can be generated.

It is this predictive modelling which supports informed decision-making on selection or evaluating plants for our living plant collections and landscapes.

See How to guide for information on how to use the CAT v.1 

Suggested citation:

Climate Change Alliance of Botanic Gardens. [YEAR ACCESSED]. Climate Assessment Tool v1. Botanic Gardens Conservation International. Richmond, U.K. Available at Accessed on DD/MM/YYYY.

Data used in CAT

Note that CAT v.1 uses some live and some static datasets:

  • GardenSearch data on CAT was last updated 27 March 2022. This data provides the list of Botanic Gardens.
  • GlobalTreeSearch data on CAT was last updated 7 September 2022. This data provides the list of tree taxa.
  • PlantSearch data on CAT is a live link to PlantSearch
  • GBIF-BGCI data on CAT was last updated 13 June 2019
  • GBIF-Current data on CAT is a live link to GBIF
  • Global Urban Plants data on CAT was last updated 30 June 2020

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