Abbott, Elisha L

Abbott, Elisha L.

a Baptist missionary to Burmah and Aracan, was born at Cazenovia, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1809, and received his education at the Hamilton Literary and Theological Institution. He left this country for the field of his labors Sept. 23, 1835. In 1840 he established a mission in Sandoway, one of the districts of Aracan, confining his labors chiefly to the Karens from Burmah. In 1841 he reported 193 baptisms at this station. Mr. Abbott returned to the United States, on account of ill-health, in 1845, and remained here not far from two years. He resumed his work in Sandoway in 1848, and the most marked success followed his labors, hundreds of persons giving evidence of conversion and being baptized by him. In 1852 Mr. Abbott, with Mr. Van Meter, went to Basseni, where the divine blessing still attended his labors. His constant application to his missionary toil at last broke down his health, and he was compelled once more to return to the United States. He died at Fulton, N.Y., Dec. 3, 1843. Few missionaries in any denomination have had the privilege of welcoming a larger number of converts in Christian churches than Mr. Abbott. See Gammell, Hist. of Amer. Bap. Missions, p. 155-160, 181, 182. (J. C. S.)

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