
Ab'don (Heb. Abdon', עבדּוֹן and עבדוֹן, servile; Sept. Α᾿βδών), the name of four men and one city.

1. The son of Hillel, a Pirathonite, of the tribe of Ephraim, and the twelfth Judge of Israel for eight years, B.C. 1233-1225. His administration appears to have been peaceful (ςΑβδων, Josephus, Ant. 5, 7, 15); for nothing is recorded of him but that he had forty sons and thirty nephews, who rode on young asses — a mark of their consequence (Jg 12:13-15). He is probably the BEDAN SEE BEDAN referred to in 1Sa 12:11.

2. The first-born of Jehiel, of the tribe of Benjamin, apparently by his wife Maachab, and resident at Jerusalem (1Ch 8:30; 1Ch 9:36), B.C. ante 1093.

Bible concordance for ABDON.

3. The son of Micah, and one of the persons sent by King Josiah to ascertain of the prophetess Huldah the meaning of the recently-discovered look of the Law (2Ch 34:20), B.C. 628. In the parallel passage (2Ki 22:12) he is called ACHBOR SEE ACHBOR , the son of Michaiah.

4. A "son" of Shashak, and chief Benjamite of Jerusalem (1Ch 8:23), B.C. ante 598.

5. A Levitical town of the Gershonites, in the tribe of Asher, mentioned between Mishal or Mashal and Helkath or Hukkok (Jos 21:30; 1Ch 6:74). The same place, according to several MSS., is mentioned in Jos 19:28, instead of HEBRON SEE HEBRON (Reland, Palest. p. 518). Under this latter form Schwarz (Palest. p. 192) identifies it with a village, Ebra, which he affirms lies in the valley of the Leontes, south of Kulat Shakif; perhaps the place by the name of Abnon marked in this region on Robinson's map (new ed. of Researches). It is probably identical with the ruined site Abdeh, 8 or 9 miles N.E. of Accho (Van de Velde, Memoir, p. 280).

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