
Ad'ida (Α᾿διδά, Josephus also τὰ ςΑδιδα or ςΑδδιδα, probably of Hebrew origin; Vulg. Addus), a fortified town in the tribe of Judah (1 Maccabees 12:38), which Simon Maccabaeus set up "in Sephela" (ἐν τῇ Σεφήλᾷ), and made it strong with bolts and bars. Eusebius (Onomast. s.v.) says that Sephela was the name given in his time to the open country about Eleutheropolis (see Reland, Paloest. p. 187). This Adida is probably the "Adida over against the plain," where Simon Maccabaeus encamped to dispute the entrance into Judaea of Tryphon, who had treacherously seized on Jonathan at Ptolemais (1 Maccabees 13:13). Josephus (Ant. 13, 6, 4) adds that this Adida was upon a hill, before which lay the plains of Judaea. It is scarcely (see Reland, Paloest. p. 546) the same as Adithaim (Jos 15:36), but may be the ancient Adatha (Α᾿δαθά of Eusebius, Onomast. s.v. Α᾿διαθαϊvν) and the modern Eddis (Schwarz, Palest. p. 102), near Gaza. SEE ADITHAIM. It was apparently here that Aretas defeated Alexander (Josephus, Ant. 13, 15, 2). Lightfoot, however, contrives to multiply the place mentioned in the Maccabees and Josephus into four or five different towns (see Chorog. Decad. § 3). Another place of the name of Adida, mentioned by Josephus (War, 4, 9, 1) as having been garrisoned by Vespasian, is thought by Cellarius (Geogr. Ant. p. 338) to have been near Jericho; but Reland (Paloest. p. 546) argues that it was precisely in the opposite direction from Jerusalem, perhaps identical with the HADID SEE HADID (q.v.) of Ezr 2:32.

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