Advocates of the Pope

Advocates Of The Pope are two important offices in the apostolical chamber at Rome, one being the legal, the other the fiscal advocate. Both are employed to defend the interests of the chamber' in all courts.' There are never more than twelve consistorial advocates in Rome. They are nominated by the pope, and plead in consistories, whether. public or private. .They supplicate the pallium for all newly created archbishops in the secret consistory. They have the privilege of creating doctors in the canon as well as civil law when assembled in their college Della Sapienza. They wear a long robe of black wool, of which the tail is purple, lined with red silk, and a cape falling down between the shoulders of the same color, and lined with ermine. But their ordinary dress is a cassock, lined with black Aserge, and a cloak trailing on the ground.- One of these -advocates is rector of the college Della. Sapienza. He is to receive all the rents which are appropriated, to it, aid to pay the salaries of the public readers or lecturers. whose chairs are filled by a congregation of cardinals deputed by the pope for that purpose. The seven senior consistorial advocates have large salaries-twice as large, indeed, as the five junior advocates-and the fees drawn from those who obtain doctorates are considerable. .

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