Advowson (2)


Some additional facts may here be presented. In case the patron does not present within six months, the presentation lapses to the bishop; and if he neglect to collate within the following six months, to the archbishop, and after him to the crown. If, however, after the first six months the patron present before the bishop has collated, the presentation of the patron is good. So, after the expiration of twelve months, if the bishop collate before the archbishop, the bishop's appointment is good. If a benefice in the gift of a person outlawed or tainted fall vacant, the sovereign' presents. -If the patron remain in a state of excommunication for the space of forty days, his clerk may be refused. Presentation made while the benefice is full is void. If a patron present first one and then another clerk, the ordinary may institute whichever he pleases; but where the sovereign is patron the ordinary must institute the second. A patron may not present himself, but the ordinary may admit him on his petition. A married woman, having the right of advowson, must present in the name of her husband. See Johnson, Clergyman's -Vadenecunm

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