African Code

African Code, a title given to the codification or compilation of the conclusions arrived at in the various African councils (q.v.). . On this African Code a good deal has been written, but a good deal also remains unsolved, and. perhaps insoluble. Several of the canons contained in it have been assigned to more councils than one, and several of the councils are differently dated or numbered by different editors or collectors. Perhaps the best edition of it is that published in Greek and Latin by Mansi (iii, 699-843). Originally promulgated in Latin, it was probably translated into Greek before the Trullan Council of A.D. 683; by the second canon of which it became part of the code of the Eastern Church. It comprehends, first, the deliberations of the Council of Carthage, A.D. 419; then the canons. of the same synod to the number of 38; then "'canons of different councils of the African Church," in the words of their heading, especially those down to 138, Other collections extant contain fewer or more canons, some adding those of later councils, others quite ancient and not including those of the Council of Carthage, A.D. 419. Notwithstanding this variety, the title of "African Code" seems properly given to the 138 canons above mentioned as designating those canons- alone which have been received generally by the East and West. The chief interest attaches to the two canons interdicting appeals beyond the sea. See Migne, Patrol. Lxxxiv, 179-236; Beveridge, Synodic. i, 365-372;. Johnson, Vademecum, ii,.171.

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