
Agonistici a branch of the Donatists who spread themselves through Africa to preach the opinions of Donatus, and committed many crimes under pretext of doing justice at fairs and such places. Desirous of becoming martyrs, they exposed themselves to the greatest dangers, and sometimes even killed themselves. They were forcibly suppressed under Emperor Constans, but existed till the inroad of the Vandals. SEE DONATISTS. Agonizants (Confraternity of the), a society of Roman Catholic penitents at Rome (and elsewhere, as at Lima in South America), whose chief duty is that of prayer for persons condemned to death by the law. On the eve of an execution they give notice of it to several nunneries, and on the day on which the criminal is to suffer they cause a great number of masses to be said for him. Another confraternity under the same name assist at death-beds generally.

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