
Ahi'tub (Hebrew Achitub', אֲחַיטוּב, brother of goodness, i e. good; Sept. Α᾿χιτώβ, Josephus Α᾿χίτωβος), the name of at least two priests. SEE HIGH- PRIEST.

1. A descendant of Ithamar, who on the death of his father, Phinehas, in battle, and also of his grandfather, Eli, at the news of the capture of the ark, succeeded the latter in the high-priesthood, B.C. 1125, and was succeeded (B.C. cir. 1085) by his son Ahijah or Ahimelech (1Sa 14:3; 1Sa 22:9,11-12,20).

2. A descendant of the line of Ithamar, being the son (or rather descendant) of Amariah (1Ch 6:7-8,52), and not an incumbent of the high- priesthood (comp. Josephus, Ant. 8, 1, 3, where his father's name is given as Arophaeus), since his son Zadok (1Ch 18:16) was made high-priest by Saul after the extermination of the family of Ahimelech (2Sa 8:17). B.C. ante 1012. It is doubtful whether this or the preceding person of this name is mentioned in 1Ch 9:11; Ne 11:11, where he is erroneously called the father (instead of son or descendant) of Meraioth (q.v.). SEE AMARIAH.

Bible concordance for AHITUB.

3. A descendant of the last, mentioned (1Ch 6:11-12; Ezr 7:2) as the son of another Amariah and father of another Zadok among the Jewish high-priests; but as such a coincidence of names is improbable, the person intended may perhaps have been the AZARIAH SEE AZARIAH of 2Ch 31:10. SEE GENEALOGY.

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