Alcazar, Luis De

Alcazar, Luis De, a Spanish Jesuit, was born in 1554 at Seville. He was for twenty years professor. of theology at Cordova and Seville, and died at the latter place, June 16,1613. He is known as the author of Vestigatio Arcani Sensus in Apocalypsi (Antw. 1604 and often): — De Sacris Ponderibus et Mensuris (published together with his Vestiqatio in 1619): — In eas Partes Veteris Testamenti quas Respicit Apocalypsis, nempe Cantica Canticorum, Psalmos Cozmplures, multa Danielis, aliorumque Librorum Capita, Libri V; cum Opusculo de Malis Medicis (Lyons, 1631). See Clement, Bibliotheqtue Curieuse (Hanover. 1750); Alegambe, Biblioth. Scriptorum' Societatis Jesu; Antonio, Biblioth. Script. Hisp. (B. P.)

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