Alexis, Guillaume

Alexis, Guillaume, a learned French Benedictine who lived near the close of the 15th century and at the commencement of the 16th. He was surnamed the good monk of the Abbey of Lyre, in the diocese of Evreux, and became prior of Bussy in Perche. He is supposed to have died in 1486, though the precise dates of his birth and death are unknown. Alexis made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and there fell a victim to the persecution of the Turks. He wrote, Le Passe- temps de Tout Homme et de Toute Femme, avec A, B, C, des Doubles (Paris, s. a.), in verse: — Le Grand Blason des Faulces Amours (ibid. s. a.; also in 1493; Lyons, 1506): Le Contre-blason des Faulces Amours, entitled Le Grand Blason d'Amours Spirituelles et Divines, avec Certaines Epigrammes (Paris, s.a.): — Le Dialogue du Crucifix et du Pelerin (ibid.

1521): — Le Loyer des Folles Amours et le Triomphe des Muses contre Amour, together with Quinze Joies du Marriage, in the two editions already cited: — Le Passe-temps du Prieur de Bussy et son FIrre' le Cordelier', etc. (Rouen. s.a.): — Le Miroir des Mloines (ibid. s. a.).: — Le Miiartyrologe des Fausses Langues et le Chapitre General d'Icelles tenu au Temple de Danger faits par Couplets, etc. (ibid. and Paris, 1493): — Quatre Chants Royaux, which are found with the Palinodes, etc. (published at Paris, Rouen, and Caen). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.

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