Allen, Moses

Allen, Moses a minister of the Protestant Episcopal Church, was born in Northampton, Massachusetts, September 14, 1748. He was educated at Princeton, where he graduated in 1772. He was ordained at Christ's Church parish, about twenty miles from Charleston, S. C., March 26, 1775. In 1777 he removed to Midway, Georgia. The British army from Florida, under General Prevost, dispersed his society in 1778, and burned the church, almost every dwelling-house, and the crops of rice then in stacks. In December he was taken prisoner by the British, and treated with great severity. Seeing no prospect of release from the prison-ship where he was confined, he determined to attempt the recovery of his liberty by jumping overboard and swimming to an adjacent point; but he was drowned in the attempt, February 8, 1779. — Allen. Biog. Dictionary, s.v.

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