Alting, Joh Heinrich

Alting, Joh. Heinrich a learned reformed divine, was born at Emden, in Friesland, Feb. 17, 1583. In 1612 he went over into England with the electoral prince palatine; when he returned to Germany he was appointed professor of theology at Heidelberg. He was one of the deputies to the synod of Dort. After the sacking of Heidelberg by Tilly he retired to Emden, and afterward to Groningen, where he became professor in 1627, and died Aug. 25, 1644. Among his works are, Methodus Theologioe didacticae (Amst. 1650): , — Scriptorum Theologicorum Heidelbergensium (3 vols. 4to, Amst. 1646): — Exegesis logica et theologica Augustanet Confessionis (Amst. 1647, 4to): — Theologia problematica nova (Amst. 1662, 4to): — Theologia historica (Ibid. 1664): — Theologia elenctica nova (Basle, 1679, 4to). — Bayle, Dictionary, s.v.; Hoefer, Biog. Generale, 2, 234.

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