

[some editions corruptly AMMIDIOR] (Α᾿μμίδιοι, v. r. Α᾿μμιδαῖοι), one of the persons whose descendants (or rather places whose inhabitants) are said to have returned from the captivity (1 Esdras 5:20), but the name is apparently an interpolation, or at least inextricably confused, as nothing corresponding to it is found in the genuine texts (Ezr 2:25; Ne 7:29); this, with the previous two names (Pira and Chadias), being inserted between Beroth (Beeroth) and Cirama (Ramah). Perhaps it is compounded of the following names, Harim and Hadid, which otherwise are not given in the list of Esdras.

Bible concordance for AMMI.

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