
An'amim (Heb., Anamnim', עֲנָמִים, signif. unknown; Sept. Ε᾿νεμετιείμ v. r. Αἰνεμετιείμ, in Chronicles Α᾿ναμιείμ, Vulg. Anamim), the name of some Egyptian tribe, descended from Mizraim (Ge 10:13; 1Ch 1:11). Some compare the city ANEM SEE ANEM (q.v.) in Palestine (Jos 15:34) as having possibly been settled by an Egyptian colony. Others (as Bochart, Phaleg, 4, 30), on very precarious etymological grounds (Arab. anam, a shepherd; transposed, aman), refer the name to the nomadic custodians of the temple of Jupiter Ammon (but see Michaelis Suppl. 1932 sq.). Still others (as Calmet) regard the Anamim as the Amaniuns or Garamantes in the oasis Phazania on the river Cinyphus (q. d. גֵּר עֲנָמִים) in north-western Africa (Strabo, 17, 835; Ptol. 4, 6; Plin. 5, 4; Mel. 1, 8), but with little probability (see Schulthess, Parad. p. 154). Gesenius (Thes. Heb. p. 1052) calls especial attention to a geographical name, Benemis, found on the Egyptian monuments (Champollion, Gram. 1, 150) as perhaps meaning these people (B being the article); or else he thinks they may be the Blemyes, a people of Upper Egypt (Champollion, L'Egypte sous les Pharaons, 1, 256). Among the old versions, Saadias interprets Alexandrines, the Chaldee paraphrasts (comp.

Beck, ad Targ. Chronicles 1, 9 sq.) inhabitants of Mareotis (מריוטאי or מראטאי). (See generally Michaelis, Spicileg. 1, 260 sq.; Vater, Comm. 1, 131.)

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