Andrene, Abraham

Andrene, Abraham Lutheran archbishop of Upsala, a native of Angermannland, died in 1607. While rector of the university of Stockholm he offended King John. the son of Gustavus Wasa, who wished to reestablish the Roman Catholic Church in Sweden. In order to escape imprisonment he fled to Germany, where he spent thirteen years, during which time he published most of his works. In 1593, after the death of John, and during the absence of Sigismund, his successor, who was at the same time king of Poland, the Swedish clergy met at Upsal, resolved to maintain the Confession of Augsburg, and unanimously elected Andreae archbishop. King John Sigismund, on his arrival at Stockholm, had to confirm the election, and he was crowned by Andreae. Duke Charles, the prince regent of Sweden, charged him with reorganizing the church affairs; but on the tour which he undertook to this end he raised the indignation of the people by his rigor. and incurred the displeasure of the regent. Beinmz moreover accused of a secret understanding with Sigismund, he was deprived of his office and imprisoned in the Castle of Gripsholm, where he died. Andreae wrote a work against the Adiaphorists (Forum Adiaphororum, Wittenberg, 1587, 8vo). with several other works. He also translated a commentary on Daniel by Draconitis, and published several works of his father-in-law, Laurentius Petri de Nerike. — Hoefer, Biog. Generale, 2, 574.

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