Archibald, Henry

Archibald, .Henry a Baptist minister, was born at Musselburgh, Scotland, in 1786. He came to the United States in 1818. His early religious association is were with the Established Church, but soon after his conversion he united with the Independents. Not long after he came to the United States he changed his views on baptism, and connected-himself with the Baptist Church in Chatham, Conn. Feeling that it was his duty to preach the Gospel, he gave up. a lucrative business, was licensed by the Church of which he was a member, and was ordained in Suffield, Conn., May 28, 1823.- The churches with which he labored were in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont, his ministerial life continuing until within three years of his death. Mr.M Archibald possessed more than ordinary talents, and was especially familiar with the Scriptures... " Gifted by nature with a strong mind, he brought all his powers: to bear upon the one work of preaching Christ, and him crucified." He took a prominent part in the great reforms of the day, and was especially active as. the advocate of antislavery. He died at the residence of his son, Rev. T. H.'Archibald, in Mount Holly, Vt., Dec. 4, 1859. See Watchman and Reflector, Jan. 5,1860. (J. C.S.)

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