
Artaba (Α᾿ρτάβη), a dry measure used by the Babylonians (Herod. i, 192), containing seventy-two sextarii according, to Epiphanius (de Ponderib. et Mens.) and Isidore of Seville (lib. 16, Origen); or, according to Dr. Arbuthnot's tables, one bushel, one gallon, and one pint, allowing, with him, four pecks and six pints to the medimnus, and one pint to the choenix (for it was equal to 1 medimnus + 2 choenices). It is found only in the apocryphal Daniel, or Dan. 14:3, Vulg. (Auth, Vers. "measure," Bel, ver 3). SEE MEASURE.

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