Axford, William

Axford, William an English Congregational minister, was born at Westbury, Wilts, in 1824. While a young man he gave himself to evangelistic work, and labored zealously as a home missionary in Liverpool, Prescot, and Wandsworth. He was educated at Cotton End, and settled in the pastorate at Castle Donington, in Leicestershire. After three years he removed to Clayton West, Yorkshire, where he was ordained. - In 1865- he' removed to Charmouth and Lyme Regis, and in October of the -following year began to devote his entire time to the latter. In the autumn of 1868 he became pastor of Collyhurst-street Chapel, Manchester, and in 1870 of the Church at Peasley Cross, St. Helens. Here he labored for little more than three years, when, in the midst of usefulness, he was smitten down with an illness from which he never recovered. He died Dec. 29,1878. See (Lond.) Cong. Year-book, 1880, p. 306

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