Babolenus (Babolein), St

Babolenus (Babolein), St.

was a French monk, of whose life .very little is known. He is supposed to have been born in Burgundy-as was also St. Babolenus, or Bobulelius, abbot of Bobbio and, like him, was brought up, it is probable, in the monastery of Luxeuil, either under St. Columbanus or his successor, Eustasius. When Blidegesiltus, archdeacon of.Paris, founded' the monastery of Sainit-Maur-des-Fossez in 638, he requested that the best monk of the monastery of Luxeuil should be appointed abbot; whereupon St. Walbertus, who had succeeded Eustasius, sent Babolenus. He died in 660 or 670, and his festival is marked in the martyrologies on June 26. See Landon, Eccles. Diet. s.v.; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.

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