Balduin, Francois

Balduin, Francois a famous French jurist, was born at Arras, Jan. 1, 1520, and died Oct. 24, 1574, at Paris. For a time he was tutor of Charles of Bourbon. In 1564 William of Orange called. him to the Netherlands, to bring about a harmony of existing religious differences. His publication of Cassander's. De Offcio Pii et Publicoe Tranquillitatis Vere Amantis Viri in hoc Religionis Dissidio (Basilese, 1561) entangled him in a controversy with Calvin. He published also, Minucii Felicis Octavius, in quo agitur Veterum Christianorum Caussa, Restitutus (Heidelberg, 1560), in which he shows that the authorship belongs to Minucius Felix and not to. Arnobius: — Discourssur le Fait de la Reforme (Paris, 1564): — S. Optati libri sex de Schismate Donatistarum cum Balduini Prefatione (ibid. 1563); in the preface he tries to show the identity of the Calvinistic schisma with that of the Donatists: — Historia Carthaginiensis Collationis olim habitce inter Catholicos et Donatistas (ibid. 1566) (reprinted by Migne, P.P. Cat.

11:1439 sq.). See Riss, Convertiten, ii, 176; Niceron, Memoires, xxviii; Kaulen; in Wetzer u. Welte's Kirchen-Lexikon, s.v. (B. P.)

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