
Ba'ma (Heb. Bamah', בָּמָה, a height; Sept. Α᾿βαμά), an eminence or high-place, where the Jews worshipped their idols, occurs as a proper name, Eze 20:29. In other passages it is usually translated "high place;" and in Eze 36:2, such spots are termed '" ancient high places, "or ancient heights. SEE BAMOTH. On such high places the Hebrews made oblations to idols, and also to the Lord himself, before the idea obtained that unity of place for the divine worship was indispensable. The Jewish historians, therefore, for the most part, describe this as an unlawful worship, in consequence of its being so generally associated with idolatrous rites. SEE HIGH-PLACE. The above passage in Ezekiel is very obscure, and, full of the paronomasia so dear to the Hebrew poets, so difficult for us to appreciate: "What is the high place (הִבָּמָה) whereunto ye hie (הִבָּאִים)? and the name of it is called Bamah (בָּמָה) unto this day." Ewald (Propheten, p. 286) pronounces this verse to be an extract from an older prophet than Ezekiel. The name here, however, seems to refer, not to a particular spot, but to any such locality individualized by the term (see Henderson, Comment. in loc.).

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