Band (4)


in architecture, is a flat face or fascia, a square moulding, or a continuous tablet or series of ornaments, etc., encircling a building or continued along a wall. Bands of panelling on the outer surface of the wall are very usual in rich work of the Perpendicular style, especially on the lower part of a tower, and" sometimes higher up between the stories also, as in the rich Somersetshire towers, and in Northamptonshire and Oxfordshire, and, indeed, wherever rich churches of this style are found. This kind of ornament is, however, used in the earlier styles also, though less frequently. See also a good illustration from Yelvertoft Church under SEE PERPENDICULAR STYLE.

Band is also a name for the moulding or suite of mouldings which encircles the pillars and small shafts in Gothic architecture, the use of which was most prevalent in the Early English style. Bands of this description are not unfrequently met with in very late Norman work, but they show that it is verging towards the succeeding style; they are also occasionally to be found in early Decorated work. When the shafts are long they are often encircled by several bands at equal distances apart between the cap and base. SEE TABLET.

Definition of band

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