Barber, George M

Barber, George M.

a Methodist Episcopal minister, was born in Rush County, Ind., Sept. 25, 1824. He joined the Church in his twelfth year, and was converted in his fifteenth. He entered Asbury University in 1845, remained two years, then studied medicine in Rushville two years, and entered the medical department of the University of New York. In 1857 he graduated at Pennsylvania University, Philadelphia; moved to Cornersville in 1859, and there practiced medicine until 1866, when he removed to Madison, Ind. In 1868 he united with the South-east Indiana Conference, and labored with marvellous success until his decease, Aug. 14, 1874. Over seven hundred conversions bear witness to Mr. Barber's zeal and fidelity during his short ministry. He was warm-hearted and energetic. His great success, however, lay in his personal labors from house to house. See Minutes of Annual Conferences, 1874, p. 96.

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