Barrows, Eleazer Storrs

Barrows, Eleazer Storrs a Presbyterian minister, was born Jan. 18, 1790, in Mansfield, Conn. He graduated at Middlebury, Vt., in October, 1811; spent 1811-12 in Castleton, Vt., 1812-15 in the Carolinas, and studied divinity at Princeton in 1815-16, acting a portion of 1815 as tutor in Middlebury College. He preached in Middletown, N. Y., 1816-17; and at the close of 1817 accepted a tutorship in Hamilton College, and for three years filled the professorship of Latin in that institution. On-June 29, 1819, he was received by the Presbytery of Oneida as a licentiate of the Presbytery. of New Brunswick, and on June 25, 1822, was dismissed to the care of the Presbytery of Onondaga. This body ordained and installed( him over the Congregational Church at Pompey Hill. Here he remained until 1828, combining the charge of the academy part of the time with that of the Church. He edited the Utica Christian Magazine from 1828 to 1833, also supplying the pulpit at Waterville for. some time. On leaving the editorial chair. he was settled at Cazenovia until 1842. He then returned to Utica with broken health, preaching here and there according to his ability. He died July 28, 1847. He was a man of great energy, judgment, skill, and won the esteem of all. See Presbyterianism in Central New York, p. 459.

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