Bartine, David Wesley, Dd

Bartine, David Wesley, D.D., an eminent Methodist Episcopal minister, son of Rev. David Bartine, an honored and useful member of the Philadelphia Conference, was born in Trenton, N. J., March 17, 1811. He received a good academical education, with some knowledge of the classics, which fitted him to become a medical student under Dr. John M'Kelway, a distinguished physician in Trenton. About this time he was Converted, and joined the Methodists. He was licensed to preach, and in 1831 gave up the study of medicine, and was employed on Middlesex Mission. He was admitted on trial in the Philadelphia Conference in 1832. The people thronged to hear him at every appointment. Along the sea-shore and in the Quaker settlements he went as a flaming herald. The following appointments were his fields of labor:

1832, Tuckerton, N. J.; 1833, Camden, N. J.; 1834-35, Mariner's Bethel, Philadelphia; 1836-37, Bristol, Pa.; 1838, Sharpstown and Woodstown, N. J.; 1339-40, transferred to New Jersey Conference and stationed at Franklin Street, Newark; 1841-42, Morristown; 1843-44 Salem; 1845-46, Halsey Street, Newark; 1847-48, Camden; 1849-50, Burlington; 185152, transferred to Philadelphia Conference and stationed at Fifth Street, Philadelphia; 1853-54, Trinity, Philadelphia; 1855-56, Lancaster, Pa.; 1857-58, Harrisburg, Pa.; 1859-60, Green Street, Philadelphia; 1861-64, presitling elder on North Philadelphia District; 1865-66, St. George's, Philadelphia; 1867-69, transferred to New Jersey Conference and stationed at State Street, Trenton; 1870-72, transferred to Newark Conference and stationed at Trinity, Jersey City; 1873-75, Morristown; 1876-78, Calvary and Orange, N. J.; 1879, Emory, Jersey City; 1880-81, Belleville, N. J. He died in Trenton, Aug. 13, 1881.

Dr. Bartine was a noble specimen of a man-nearly six feet tall, stoutly built, straight, and vigorous; his hair was black and beautiful, his forehead high and commanding, his large dark-gray eyes were brilliant, his lips at times compressed. All these gave him a marked personal presence. His mind was of a high order, cultured and well-balanced; his imagination sublime, his voice having wonderful compass and sweetness, his diction faultless, and his gift of utterance most remarkable. His deep piety, burning zeal, and profound knowledge and use of the Scriptures made him a very successful and popular preacher. He stood forth a champion for liberty, education, temperance, Sundays-chools, and missions, but pre-eminently as a preacher of righteousness. His great popularity made him a favorite at dedications, extra meetings, and at Conference. His mightiest efforts were made at camp-meetings. Here he stood as a prince of preachers. In the deep solitude of the woods at night, when the stars peered through the trees, when the old-fashioned torchlight fires lighted up the ground and flashed over the vast congregations, and the stand was crowded with preachers, then he seemed almost inspired to preach the Word of Life with marvellous edification to the Church and wonderful awakening power to the unconverted. Thousands were swayed under his preaching like fields of grain by the wind. For fifty years he went forward untarnished in reputation, never listening to flattering overtures of other denomrinations for his ministry. The last decade he seemed like one of the old prophets; his venerable appearance and long flowing locks, his youthful fire and full, sweet-toned voice, made him to the last a man of mark. See (N. Y.) Christian Advocate, Oct. 20, 1881.

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