Beard, Richard, Dd

Beard, Richard, D.D., a Presbyterian minister, was born in 1799. He graduated from Cumberland College, Ky., and was immediately appointed professor of Latin and Greek in that college. He afterwards spent five years as professor in Sharon College, and in 1843 was elected president of Cumberland College, where he remained ten years and a half. When the chair of systematic theology was established in the Cumberland University, he was called to it, and continued actively in discharge of its duties until a few davs before his death, which occurred in Lebanon, Tenn., Nov. 6, 1880. He published Systematic Theology (3 vols. 8vo); — Biographical Sketches (2 vols.): —

one volume of Essays and Reviews, and Why am I a Cumberland Presbyterian? He was in favor of the union of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church with the Northern Presbyterian. Church, and was appointed by the General Assembly to consider the matter. He was called to the moderator's chair several times. See N; Y. Observer, Dec. 16, 1880. (W. P. S.)

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