Benham, John B

Benham, John B.

a Methodist Episcopal minister, was born at Rome, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1806. He experienced religion at the age of sixteen, and, after spending a year at Cazenovia Seminary, was appointed as a missionary to the Indians of Upper Canada in 1828. In 1834 he returned and entered the Oneida Conference, and, after having filled several appointments, he was sent to take charge of the Liberia mission, Africa. He was naturally vigorous in body, but that insalubrious climate soon undermined his constitution, and in two years obliged his return. He was enabled to do effective work for some time after coming back. He died at Newfield, May 1, 1868. — Mr. Benham was a model minister in fidelity, zeal, and piety. See Minutes of Annual Conferences, 1869, p. 127; Simpson, Cyclop. of Methodism, s.v.

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