Bernard (or Bernhard) of Luxemburg

Bernard (Or Bernhard) Of Luxemburg a Flemish theologian of the Dominican order, was born at Strassen, near Luxemburg, and studied at Cologne, where he also joined his order. In 1507 he was made licentiate of theology at Louvain, and in 1516 doctor of theology at Cologne. For some time he acted as courtpreacher and confessor to William duke of Julich, and as inquisitor-general of the Cologne diocese. He died as prior of the Cologne convent, Oct. 6, 1535. He is the author of, Catalogus Hesreticorum Omnium Pcene, qui ad hhec usque Tempora passim Literar. Monumentis Proditi sunt, Illorum Nonzina, Errores et Tempoora quibus Vixerunt Ostendeus (Paris, 1524; Cologne, 1525): — Opusculum de Jubileo, sive Peregrinatorium ad Urbem Romam (Cologne, 1525): — Sermones de Diabolica Colluclatione VII Vitiorun Capitalium et Virtutum Spiritualium: — De Ordinibus Militaribus et Armorum Militarium Mysteriis (1527). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.; Landon, Eccles. Dict. s.v.; Quetifet Echard, Script. Ord. Pr. ii, 93; Pople, in Wetzer u. Welte's Kirchenlexikon, s.v. (B. P.)

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