
Beth-hog'la (Jos 15:6) or Beth-hog'lah (Heb. Beyth Choglah', בֵּית חָגלָה, partridge-house; though Jerome [Onomast. s.v. Area-atad, where he states that Betag'a was three miles from Jericho and two from the Jordan] gives another interpretation, locus gyri, reading the name בֵּית עִגלָה, and connecting it with the funeral races or dances at the mourning for Jacob, SEE ATAD; Sept. Βηθαγλά v. r. Βαιθαγλαάμ, Βεθεγαιώ, Βαιθαλαγά), a place on the border of Judah (Jos 15:6) and of Benjamin (Jos 18:19), to which latter tribe it was reckoned as belonging (Jos 18:21). Eusebius and Jerome speak (Onomast. s.v. B Βηθαλαίμ, Bethagla) of two villages of this name, but they assign them both to the vicinity of Gaza. Josephus (Ant. 13, 1, 5) reads Bethagla (Βηθαλαγά, doubtless for Βηθαγαλά) instead of the BETHBASI SEE BETHBASI (q.v.) of 1 Maccabees 9:62. Dr. Robinson found a ruined site, doubtless the same, called by the Arabs Kusr-Hajla, twenty minutes S.W. by W. of a fine spring in this region called by the same name (Ain-Hajla), although he saw no ruins at the spring itself (Researches, 2, 268). It was also visited by M. de Saulcy, who states that he picked up large cubes of primitive mosaic at the place, indicating, in his opinion, the existence of a Biblical city in the neighborhood (Narrative, 2, 35); comp. Wilson, Lands of Bible, 2, 15; Schwarz, Palest. p. 94.

Bible concordance for BETH-HOGLA.

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