
Boaz is mentioned in the genealogy, Mt 1:5 (" Booz"), as the son of Salmon by Rahab, but there is some difficulty in assigning his date. The genealogy in Ruth (Ru 4:18-22) only allows ten generations for the 833 years from Judah to David, and only four for the 535 years between Salmon and David, if (as is almost certain from Matthew and from Jewish tradition) the Rahab mentioned is Rahab the harlot. If Boaz be identical with the judge Ibzan (q.v.), as is stated with little shadow of probability by the Jerusalem Talmud and various rabbins, several generations must be inserted. Dr. Kennicott, from the difference in form between Salmah and Salmon (Ruth v, 20, 21), supposes that by mistake two different men were identified (Dssert. i, 543); but we seem to want at least three generations, and this supposition gives us only one. Hence, even if we interpolate two generations before Boaz and one after Obed, still we must suppose each was the youngest son of his father, and that they did not marry till an advanced age (Dr. Mill, On the Genealogies; Lord Hervey, Id. p. 262, etc.; Browne, Ordo Seclorum, p. 263). SEE GENEALOGY; SEE DAVID.

2. (Sept. Βολώζ, and in the latter passage translates Ι᾿σχύς, strength). The name given to the left-hand one of the two brazen pillars which Solomon erected in the court of the Temple (1Ki 7:21; 2Ch 3:17); so called, either from the architect or (if it were a votive offering) from the donor. It was hollow, and surmounted by a chapiter five cubits high, ornamented with net-work and 100 pomegranates. The apparent discrepancies in stating the height of it arise from the- including or excluding of the ornament which united the shaft to the chapiter, etc. SEE JACHIN.

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