Boomer, James

Boomer, James a Baptist minister, was born at Freetown (now Fall River), Mass., May 26, 1759. . He was converted in March, 1780, and baptized in the following April. While engaged in teaching he was impressed that it was his duty to preach. He was licensed, and after preaching for a time was ordained, May 2, 1795, as pastor of the Baptist Church at Fall River, where he remained about eight years. In 1804 he removed to Charlton, Mass., to take charge of the Church in that place. Although obliged to engage in secular pursuits to meet his family expenses, he regularly preached to the Charlton Church, and towards the latter part of his life he preached in destitute places in his neighborhood. For two or three years before his death he was laid aside from his ministerial work. He died at Charlton, Feb. 24, 1837. It is a proof of the esteem in which he was held that the citizens of Charlton chose him for several years as their representative to the. state legislature. See The Christian Watchman, Dec. 29, 1837. (J. C. S.)

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