Brorson, Hans Adolf

Brorson, Hans Adolf a famous Danish hymnwriter, was born June 20,1694. He studied at Copenhagen, and succeeded his father in the ministry. In 1729 he was called as third pastor to Tondern in Sleswick, and in 1741 he was made bishop of Ribe. In 1760 he was made doctor of divinity, and died June 3, 1764. Of his hymns, at least two hundred are translations from the German of Gerhard, Rist, Angelus Silesius, Laurenti, Frelinghausen, Richter and others. The best edition of his hymns is the one published by P.A. Arland (Copenhagen, 1867), under the title, Hans Adolf Brorsons Psalmner og aandelige Sange. See Daugaard, Bidrag til Karakteristik af Brorson som Embedsmand in Theolog. Tidskrift, 1838, 2; Petersen, Dansk Literatur- historie, 4:295 sq.; Michelsen, in Herzog's Real-Encyklop. (2d ed.), s.v. (B.P.)

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