Brower, Daniel

Brower, Daniel (styled van Niedrik), a Reformed minister of Holland, was born at Yhorst- in Upper Yssel. Two years after having completed his theological studies at Franeker, he went in 1651 to the East Indies with a view of preaching the Gospel to the heathen there. Having spent several years at Batavia and other places, he returned to his native country, and betook himself to the translation of the Bible into Malay. He commenced with the book of Genesis, which was printed in 1662. Five years later, in 1668, the entire New Test. was printed in Roman letters at Amsterdam; translated "with all care and fidelity out of the Greek, Latin, and Belgic languages." In consideration of his knowledge of the Malay, the East India Company induced him to go a second time to Batavia. He went to the East, and died there in 1672. Of his translation of the Old Test. only the book of Genesis was printed at Amsterdam in 1662, and again in 1687. See Allgemeines historisches Lexikon, s.v.; Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v. (B.P.)

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