Brunelleschi, Filrppo

Brunelleschi, Filrppo an eminent Italian architect, was born at Florence in 1377. He was one of the first who revived the Greek practice of making the principles of geometry subservient to art, and was the first Florentine who discovered the method of bringing this to perfection, which, as Vasari says, "consisted in drawing it in outline by means of intersections, or squares." He conceived the idea of raising a cupola over the Church of Santa Maria del Fiore at Florence. He was employed by the duke Filippo Maria, and also made a number of important improvements in the cathedral. He executed a number of works for pope Eugenius IV in Rome, which gained him applause and honorable reward. He died in 1444. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Ginerale, s.v.; Spooner, Biog. list. of the Fine Arts, s.v.

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